Source code for rocketPy.simulation

# class to define simulations for dynamic objects

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as spint

from .solution import Solution

import logging

[docs]class Simulation(): def __init__(self, object): # store the object that we will do dynamics on self.object = object
[docs] def solve(self, t_span, y0, stage, user_events=[], **kwargs): """Thin wrapper for scipy.solve_ivp to handle stages and events more intuitively. Arguments generally follow scipy.solve_ivp. The dynamics are picked up from object.dynamics, and dense_output=True to allow for solutions to be queried later Solve method uses scipy default, but can be specified using kwargs Args: t_span ([float, float]): Simulation start and stop time. y0 (np.array): Initial state vector stage (float): stage number to use for the solve user_events (list of functions): each function is an event function. Defaults to []. Returns: rocketPy.Solution: solution object with the stage stored """ # solve using solve_ivp sol = spint.solve_ivp(self.object.dynamics, t_span, y0, args=(stage,), events=user_events, dense_output=True, **kwargs) # return solution return Solution(sol, stage)
[docs] def nominal_solve(self, t_span, y0, starting_stage, **kwargs): """Solves for a nominal flight Args: t_span ([float, float]): Timespan to simulate over y0 (np.array): Initial state starting_stage (int): which stage to start in Returns: rocketPy.Solution: Solution object """ # simulate this stage logging.debug(f'\n Nominal Simulating: T: {t_span}, Y0: {y0}, Stage: {starting_stage}') sol = self.solve(t_span, y0, starting_stage, self.object.staging_functions, **kwargs) logging.debug(f'{sol.sols[0].t_events}') # for each of the staging events add the next stage # determine the earliest event, and use that to start the next stage min_i = np.inf min_j = np.inf min_t = np.inf # todo (low): refactor to simplify # # for each of the staging functions for i in range(len(self.object.staging_functions)): # if the event is relevant to the current stage if starting_stage in self.object.staging_functions[i].trigger_if_stage_in: # over all the times that this event was detected for j in range(len(sol.sols[0].t_events[i])): # figure out if we need to update which is the minimum if sol.sols[0].t_events[i][j] < min_t: min_i = i min_j = j min_t = sol.sols[0].t_events[i][j] logging.debug(f'Determined min i={min_i},j={min_j}, t={min_t}') # if there were no t events, just return sol if min_t == np.inf: return sol # now figure out which is the next phase next_stage = self.object.staging_functions[min_i].nominal_next_stage # if there is no next stage despite the event, return sol if next_stage is None: return sol # figure out the new start time new_t_start = sol.sols[0].t_events[min_i][min_j] + self.object.staging_functions[min_i].t_offset new_t_span = [new_t_start, t_span[-1]]; # determine if the state needs to be changed (allows for step changes in the state!) if self.object.staging_functions[min_i].modify_state is None: new_y0 = sol.sol(new_t_start) # unmodified for now else: # apply the change new_y0 = self.object.staging_functions[min_i].modify_state(self.object, sol.sol(new_t_start)) # recursively call this function, and chain the stages return sol + self.nominal_solve(new_t_span, new_y0, next_stage)
[docs] def full_solve(self, t_span, y0, starting_stage, **kwargs): """Solves every single possible outcome. #todo (low): add probability weighting Args: t_span ([float, float]): Timespan for the solve y0 (np.array): Initial state vector starting_stage (int): Initial stage to start from Returns: list of rocketPy.Solution: list of possible outcomes """ # simulate this stage logging.debug(f'\n Full Simulating: T: {t_span}, Y0: {y0}, Stage: {starting_stage}') # solve the current stage sol = self.solve(t_span, y0, starting_stage, self.object.staging_functions, **kwargs) logging.debug('Got: ', sol.sols[0].t_events) # create a list with the solution # this allows for the thing to ignore the event detection new_sols = [sol] # ooph combinatorics might get bad on this problem # todo (low): maybe add a probability threshold # for each type of event function, for i in range(len(self.object.staging_functions)): # if this stage allows this trigger if starting_stage in self.object.staging_functions[i].trigger_if_stage_in: # determine the next stages next_stages = self.object.staging_functions[i].possible_next_stages # if there is a next stage if len(next_stages)>0: # for each next stage for next_stage in next_stages: # for each time that the trigger was detected for j in range(len(sol.sols[0].t_events[i])): # as long as the event doesnt happen at the start of this simulation (as this is a false event trigger) if sol.sols[0].t_events[i][j] > t_span[0]: # create a branch logging.debug(f'For tspan={t_span} and stage={starting_stage}, About to use i,j = i={i},j={j}, next_stage={next_stage} of {next_stages}') # determine new t new_t_start = sol.sols[0].t_events[i][j] + self.object.staging_functions[i].t_offset new_t_span = [new_t_start, t_span[-1]]; # as long as the time offsets dont go outside the simulated range if new_t_start > sol.t_min() and new_t_start < sol.t_max(): # determine new y0 if self.object.staging_functions[i].modify_state is None: new_y0 = sol.sol(new_t_start) else: # apply the modification new_y0 = self.object.staging_functions[i].modify_state(self.object, sol.sol(new_t_start)) # append a new solution new_sols.extend([sol + s for s in self.full_solve(new_t_span, new_y0, next_stage, **kwargs)]) # return return new_sols