Source code for rocketPy.components

"""Creates the components of a rocket. Base classes and the specific useful components are created.
All components inherit from ``Component``
From here, it splits into
``InternalComponent`` or ``ExternalComponent``
where the difference is used to help the drag model, and plotting.


import numpy as np
from prettytable import PrettyTable
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon

from . import Q_, ureg
from . import mach_correction

[docs]class Component(): """Base class for all components Args: name (str): Name of component. Defaults to 'Component'. mass (function or None or Quantity): Mass of component. Defaults to None. If ``None``: calls the ``self.estimate_mass()`` method to assign mass. If ``function``: calls the function and assigns mass If ``Pint.Quantity``: assigns mass directly. inertia (function or None or Quantity): Assigns inertia of the rocket, in (I_xx, I_yy, I_zz). Rest of the components are assumed to be 0. Defaults to None. If ``None``: calls the ``self.estimate_inertia()`` method to assign inertia. If ``function``: calls the function to assign the inertia. The function must return a tuple of (I_xx, I_yy, I_zz) If ``tuple of Pint.Quantity``: assigns the inertia direction. The tuple must be (I_xx, I_yy, I_zz) with each being a Pint.Quantity of the right units. Examples Examples should be written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to use the function/class. >>> Attributes: estimate_mass (type): Description of parameter `estimate_mass`. I_xx (type): Description of parameter `I_xx`. I_yy (type): Description of parameter `I_yy`. I_zz (type): Description of parameter `I_zz`. estimate_inertia (type): Description of parameter `estimate_inertia`. x_ref (type): Description of parameter `x_ref`. y_ref (type): Description of parameter `y_ref`. z_ref (type): Description of parameter `z_ref`. A_ref (type): Description of parameter `A_ref`. name mass """ def __init__(self, name='Component', mass=None, inertia=None): = name # mass properties if callable(mass): self.mass = mass() elif mass is None: self.mass = self.estimate_mass() else: self.mass = mass self.mass = # moment of inertias # assumed to be 0 initially, but should be replaced if callable(inertia): self.I_xx, self.I_yy, self.I_zz = inertia() elif mass is None: self.I_xx, self.I_yy, self.I_zz = self.estimate_inertia() else: self.I_xx, self.I_yy, self.I_zz = inertia # this is the leading reference coordinate of the component, x is along # rocket axis, increasing from nose backwards. self.x_ref = 0 * ureg.meter self.y_ref = 0 * ureg.meter self.z_ref = 0 * ureg.meter # reference area to be used for drag and lift force calculations. self.A_ref = None
[docs] def estimate_mass(self): """Generic method to estimate the mass of the component - assume mass is 0. This method should be overridden for each component specified""" return 0.0 *
[docs] def estimate_inertia(self): """Generic method to estimate the mass of the component - assume inertia is 0. This method should be overridden for each component specified""" return (0.0 * * (ureg.m**2), 0.0 * * (ureg.m**2), 0.0 * * (ureg.m**2))
[docs] def set_position( self, start_of=None, end_of=None, middle_of=None, after=None, offset=0 * ureg.m): """Defines the x_ref of this component relative to other components. Args: start_of (Component): If not None, aligns self with other. Defaults to None. end_of (Component): If not None, aligns end of self with other. Defaults to None. middle_of (Component): If not None, aligns midpoints of self and other. Defaults to None. after (Component): If not None, aligns start of self to end of other. Defaults to None. offset (Pint.Quantity): Follows rules as above, but adds ``offset`` to self.x_ref. Defaults to 0*ureg.m. Examples Examples should be written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to use the function/class. >>> """ if start_of is not None: self.x_ref = start_of.x_ref + offset return elif end_of is not None: self.x_ref = end_of.x_ref + end_of.length - self.length + offset return elif middle_of is not None: self.x_ref = middle_of.x_ref + middle_of.length / 2 - self.length / 2 + offset return elif after is not None: self.x_ref = after.x_ref + after.length + offset return else: raise ValueError('The location must be specified')
def __repr__(self): return f'{} (type: {self.__class__.__name__})'
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, rotation=0 *, unit=ureg.m): """Plots the component. Args: ax (type): Description of parameter `ax`. Defaults to None. rotation (type): Description of parameter `rotation`. Defaults to 0* unit (type): Description of parameter `unit`. Defaults to ureg.m. Returns: type: Description of returned object. Examples Examples should be written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to use the function/class. >>> """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() for coords in self.plot_coords(rotation=rotation): if coords is not None: # convert to specified units coords2 = np.array([[c[i].m_as(unit) for i in [0, 1]] for c in coords]) poly = Polygon(coords2, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k') ax.add_patch(poly) plt.axis('equal') plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel(f'x [{str(unit)}]') plt.ylabel(f'y or z [{str(unit)}]') return ax
[docs] def plot_coords(self): return None
[docs] def xcp(self, *args): return 0 * ureg.m
[docs] def xcg(self, *args): return 0 * ureg.m
[docs] def ycg(self, *args): return 0 * ureg.m
[docs] def zcg(self, *args): return 0 * ureg.m
[docs] def describe(self): print(self) x = PrettyTable() x.field_names = ["Parameter", "Value (SI)", "Value"] for d in self.__dict__: try: x.add_row([d, f'{self.__dict__[d].to_base_units():.3f~}', f'{self.__dict__[d]:.3f~}']) except BaseException: x.add_row([d, self.__dict__[d], ""]) print(x)
[docs]class InternalComponent(Component): def __init__(self, name='Internal Component', mass=None, inertia=None): super().__init__(name=name, mass=mass, inertia=inertia)
[docs] def CN(self, alpha=0 * ureg.rad, Re=1e6, Mach=0.3): return 0.0
[docs]class ExternalComponent(Component): def __init__(self, name='External Component', mass=None, inertia=None, A_ref=np.pi * (3 * ureg.inch)**2): super().__init__(name=name, mass=mass, inertia=inertia) self.A_ref = A_ref
[docs] def CNa(self, alpha=0 * ureg.rad, Re=1e6, Mach=0.3): return 0.0 / ureg.rad
[docs] def CN(self, alpha=0 * ureg.rad, Re=1e6, Mach=0.3): return self.CNa(alpha, Re, Mach) * alpha
[docs]class Cylinder(InternalComponent): def __init__( self, name='Internal Cylinder', mass=None, inertia=None, diameter=6 * ureg.inch, length=6 * ureg.inch, density=None): super().__init__(name=name, mass=mass, inertia=inertia) self.diameter = diameter self.length = length self.density = density
[docs] def estimate_mass(self): if not self.density.check( / (ureg.m**3)): raise ValueError('Density must have the right units') V = np.pi * (self.diameter / 2)**2 * self.length m = self.density * V return m
[docs] def estimate_inertia(self): m = self.mass r = self.diameter / 2 h = self.length I_xx = 0.5 * m * r**2 I_yy = (1 / 12) * m * (3 * r**2 + h**2) #note, I_yy = I_zz return I_xx, I_yy, I_yy
[docs]class NoseCone(ExternalComponent): def __init__( self, name='Nose Cone', mass=None, inertia=None, shape='Conical', diameter=None, length=None, fineness=None, wall_thickness=2 *, material=None): # note, the plotting currently assumes its a conical nose. # use the base diameter for the reference area A_ref = np.pi * diameter**2 / 4 self.shape = shape self.x_ref = 0 * ureg.m if diameter and length: self.diameter = diameter self.length = length elif diameter and fineness: self.diameter = diameter self.length = fineness * self.diameter elif length and diameter: self.length = length self.diameter = length / fineness self.wall_thickness = wall_thickness self.material = material super().__init__(name=name, mass=mass, inertia=inertia, A_ref=A_ref)
[docs] def estimate_mass(self): """Method to estimate the mass of the nose cone""" L = self.length R = self.diameter / 2 t = self.wall_thickness rho = self.material.density return rho * t * L * np.pi * R
[docs] def estimate_inertia(self): L = self.length R = self.diameter / 2 self.wall_thickness m = self.mass I_xx = m * (R**2 / 2) I_yy = m * (L**2 / 18) return I_xx, I_yy, I_yy
[docs] def xcg(self): return (2 / 3) * self.length
[docs] def CNa(self, alpha=0 * ureg.rad, Re=1e6, Mach=0.3): # eq 25 of [1] CNa_incomp = 2 / (1 * ureg.rad) # per radian CNa = CNa_incomp * mach_correction(Mach) return CNa
[docs] def xcp(self, alpha=0 * ureg.rad, Re=1e6, Mach=0.3): # at the moment we assume the Xcp doesnt change with Mach if self.shape == 'Conical': return (2 / 3) * self.length elif self.shape == 'Ogive': return (5 / 8) * self.length elif self.shape == 'Parabolic': return (3 / 5) * self.length else: raise RuntimeError( 'Please set the nose cone shape to a supported string')
[docs] def plot_coords(self, rotation=0 * l = self.length r = self.diameter / 2 coords = [[0 * ureg.m, 0 * ureg.m], [l, r], [l, -r]] coords_shift = [[self.x_ref + c[0], c[1]] for c in coords] yield coords_shift
[docs]class Transition(ExternalComponent): def __init__( self, name='Transition', mass=None, inertia=None, fore_dia=None, aft_dia=None, length=None, wall_thickness=2 *, material=None): # use the base diameter for the reference area self.A_ref = np.pi * fore_dia**2 / 4 self.fore_dia = fore_dia self.aft_dia = aft_dia self.d_ref = 2 * (self.A_ref / np.pi)**0.5 self.length = length self.wall_thickness = wall_thickness self.material = material super().__init__(name=name, mass=mass, inertia=inertia, A_ref=self.A_ref)
[docs] def estimate_mass(self): r0 = self.fore_dia / 2 r1 = self.aft_dia / 2 L = self.length t = self.wall_thickness rho = self.material.density m = rho * L * (np.pi * (r0 + r1)) * t return m
[docs] def estimate_inertia(self): L = self.length r0 = self.fore_dia / 2 r1 = self.aft_dia / 2 m = self.mass I_xx = m * (0.5 * (r0**2 + r1**2)) I_yy = m * (L**2 * (r0**2 + 4 * r0 * r1 + r1**2)) / \ (18 * (r0 + r1)**2) return I_xx, I_yy, I_yy
[docs] def xcg(self): r0 = self.fore_dia / 2 r1 = self.aft_dia / 2 L = self.length return (L / 3) * (r0 + 2 * r1) / (r0 + r1)
[docs] def CNa(self, alpha=0 * ureg.rad, Re=1e6, Mach=0.3): CNa_incomp = 2 * ((self.aft_dia / self.d_ref)**2 - (self.fore_dia / self.d_ref)**2) / (1 * ureg.rad) CNa = CNa_incomp * mach_correction(Mach) return CNa
[docs] def xcp(self, alpha=0 * ureg.rad, Re=1e6, Mach=0.3): d_fore = self.fore_dia d_aft = self.aft_dia # eqn 40 of ref[1] return (self.length / 3) * ((d_fore + 2 * d_aft) / (d_fore + d_aft))
[docs] def plot_coords(self, rotation=0 * l = self.length fore_r = self.fore_dia / 2 aft_r = self.aft_dia / 2 coords = [[0 * ureg.m, fore_r], [l, aft_r], [l, -aft_r], [0 * ureg.m, -fore_r]] coords_shifted = [[self.x_ref + c[0], c[1]] for c in coords] yield coords_shifted
[docs]class BodyTube(ExternalComponent): def __init__( self, name='Body Tube', mass=None, inertia=None, diameter=None, length=None, wall_thickness=2 *, material=None): self.A_ref = np.pi * diameter**2 / 4 self.d_ref = diameter self.diameter = diameter self.length = length self.wall_thickness = wall_thickness self.material = material super().__init__(name=name, mass=mass, inertia=inertia, A_ref=self.A_ref)
[docs] def estimate_mass(self): r0 = self.diameter / 2 L = self.length t = self.wall_thickness rho = self.material.density m = 2 * rho * L * np.pi * r0 * t return m
[docs] def estimate_inertia(self): m = self.mass r0 = self.diameter / 2 L = self.length I_xx = m * r0**2 I_yy = m * (L**2 / 12) # note Iyy=Izz return I_xx, I_yy, I_yy
[docs] def xcg(self): return self.length / 2
[docs] def plot_coords(self, rotation=0 * l = self.length r = self.diameter / 2 coords = [[0 * ureg.m, r], [l, r], [l, -r], [0 * ureg.m, -r]] coords_shifted = [[self.x_ref + c[0], c[1]] for c in coords] yield coords_shifted
[docs] def CNa(self, alpha=0 * ureg.rad, Re=1e6, Mach=0.3, K=1.1): planform_area = self.diameter * self.length CNa_incomp = (K * planform_area / self.A_ref) * \ alpha / ((1 * ureg.rad)**2) CNa = CNa_incomp * mach_correction(Mach) return CNa
[docs] def xcp(self, alpha=0 * ureg.rad, Re=1e6, Mach=0.3): return self.length / 2
[docs]class FinSet(ExternalComponent): def __init__( self, name='Fins', mass=None, inertia=None, n=None, span=None, root_chord=None, tip_chord=None, mid_sweep=None, tube_dia=None, thickness=None, material=None): # midsweep is the sweep angle at the mid-chord locations self.A_ref = np.pi * tube_dia**2 / 4 self.d_ref = 2 * (self.A_ref / np.pi)**0.5 self.n = n self.span = span self.root_chord = root_chord self.tip_chord = tip_chord self.mid_sweep = mid_sweep self.mid_chord_span = self.span / np.cos(self.mid_sweep) self.tube_dia = tube_dia self.length = 0 * ureg.m # used in calculating the overall length of the rocket self.thickness = thickness self.exposed_area = 0.5 * \ (self.root_chord + self.tip_chord) * self.span # per fin self.planform_area = self.exposed_area + 0.5 * \ self.tube_dia * self.root_chord # per fin self.material = material super().__init__(name=name, mass=mass, inertia=inertia, A_ref=self.A_ref)
[docs] def estimate_mass(self): n = self.n A = self.exposed_area t = self.thickness rho = self.material.density m = n * A * t * rho return m
[docs] def xcg(self): # using mathematica cr = self.root_chord ct = self.tip_chord s = self.span r0 = self.tube_dia / 2 gamma = self.leading_sweep() xcg = (cr**2 + cr * ct + ct**2 + (3 * (cr + ct) * r0 + (cr + 2 * ct) * s) * np.tan(gamma)) / (3 * (cr + ct)) return xcg
[docs] def estimate_inertia(self): r0 = self.tube_dia / 2 cr = self.root_chord ct = self.tube_dia s = self.span m = self.mass gamma = self.leading_sweep() #I_xx_m is I_xx/m # this is for a single fin, but since I'm scaling it by the number of # fins, its all good. I_xx_m = r0**2 + (2 * (cr + 2 * ct) * r0 * s) / (3 * (cr + ct)) + ((cr + 3 * ct) * s**2) / (6 * (cr + ct)) I_xx = m * I_xx_m I_yy_m = (1 / (18 * (cr + ct)**2)) * (cr**4 + 2 * cr**3 * ct + 2 * cr * ct**3 + ct ** 4 - (cr**2 + 4 * cr * ct + ct**2) * s * np.tan(gamma) * (cr - ct - s * np.tan(gamma))) I_yy = m * I_yy_m return I_xx, I_yy, I_yy
[docs] def leading_sweep(self): """Return the leading edge sweep of the fins""" lr = self.root_chord lt = self.tip_chord ls = self.span sweep = self.mid_sweep tip_le = lr / 2 + ls * np.tan(sweep) - lt / 2 # tip leading edge leading_sweep = np.arctan(tip_le / ls) return leading_sweep
[docs] def CNa(self, alpha=0 * ureg.rad, Re=1e6, Mach=0.3): if self.n <= 4: body_influence = 1 + (self.tube_dia / 2) / \ (self.span + self.tube_dia / 2) elif self.n > 4: body_influence = 1 + 0.5 * \ (self.tube_dia / 2) / (self.span + self.tube_dia / 2) CNa_incomp = (body_influence * (4 * self.n * (self.span / self.d_ref)**2) / (1 + (1 + ( self.mid_chord_span / (self.root_chord + self.tip_chord))**2)**0.5)) / (1 * ureg.rad) CNa = CNa_incomp * mach_correction(Mach) return CNa
[docs] def xcp(self, alpha=0 * ureg.rad, Re=1e6, Mach=0.3): lm = self.mid_chord_span lr = self.root_chord lt = self.tip_chord a = lm * (lr + lt) / (3 * (lr + lt)) b = (1 / 6) * (lr + lt - (lr * lt) / (lr + lt)) return a + b
[docs] def plot_coords(self, rotation=0 * ureg.rad): r = self.tube_dia / 2 lr = self.root_chord lt = self.tip_chord self.mid_chord_span ls = self.span sweep = self.mid_sweep tip_le = lr / 2 + ls * np.tan(sweep) - lt / 2 # tip leading edge x_ref = self.x_ref coords_single = [[x_ref, r, 0 * ureg.m], [x_ref + tip_le, r + ls, 0 * ureg.m], [x_ref + tip_le + lt, r + ls, 0 * ureg.m], [x_ref + lr, r, 0 * ureg.m]] coords_single_m = np.array( [[cc.m_as(ureg.m) for cc in c] for c in coords_single]) th_set = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, self.n, endpoint=False) for th in th_set: th2 = th + rotation.m_as(ureg.rad) # we only need the x and y components, thus a 2x3 rotation matrix # is created. R2 = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(th2), -np.sin(th2)]]) coords_rotated = (R2 @ coords_single_m.T).T coords_units = [[c[0] * ureg.m, c[1] * ureg.m] for c in coords_rotated] yield coords_units
# references: # [1]: Simon Box, 2009, Estimating the dynamic and aerodynamic paramters of passively controlled high power rockets for flight simulaton